Must Agree with Principles

Dallas FENG Chapter Principles

  1. Respond to jobs only if you are qualified for the position.  While this may be nebulous to some it clearly means that if the job spec had a “must have” or requirement on it and you don’t match that requirement or must have, you are not qualified.  When companies or recruiters get too many resumes from our membership that are unqualified, we don’t get a repeat from them in hearing about jobs in the future.  If you’re not qualified, you won’t get the job and your submission of your resume will only hurt our group.


  1. Participate and Communicate.  We exist as a group of senior financial professionals dedicated to helping one another.  To be a member, you must embrace this same perspective.  We expect your participation at meetings to help both yourself and others and we expect that if you are seeking a position you are actively engaged in your search and are uncovering leads to opportunities that are not right for you.  We expect you to share these opportunities when you can.  To be specific, if you are a member and have not attended a meeting nor supplied a qualified job lead (not an internet lead) in at least three months, I will remove you from the active membership in the Yahoo Group communications unless there are special circumstances that we agree on.  You also agree to communicate your status by sending me an email should it change.


  1. Network.  A great deal of our success is due to our longevity and alumni.  When you become employed, I may call on you to help others in their search from time to time.  I hope you will take the call and agree to help the member with what information and/or other help you can give.  The average tenure of a CFO in the United States is 2 1/2 years.  Keep this network going even after you are employed and become an alumni member and keep in touch.


  1. Do NOT share job leads you hear about in the FENG with other networking groups or other persons outside our group.  If you know someone who is qualified, they should become a member and agree to the principles in order to receive the leads.  This is not to be draconian, we have had much damage in the past with the sharing of leads with persons outside the group that use our name and reflect badly on us.  These organizations do not have the same discipline as we do and we get tarnished by their actions.  While we strongly believe in job lead sharing, this is within the group.


  1. Submit a “Synopsis” as per the attachment


If you can adhere to these principles above and would like to become a Dallas or Fort Worth Chapter member, please send me your resume in word format contained in an email wherein you state that you have been accepted in national, you agree to the principles of the Dallas or Fort Worth Group and have attached your resume and synopsis.  I will send you a “welcome letter” and a separate invitation to join the Dallas or Fort Worth FENG Yahoo Group.  This is the method that we use to share job leads and useful information and help.  Our meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm.  In Dallas and 6:00 pm on the third Thursday or each month in Fort Worth.  I believe you will find this organization to be a value added proposition in your search and hope that you will bring value to the group also. If you have any further questions, I can be reached at:


These will be explained in detail.